Data Consolidation For Better Decision Making

When it comes to Enterprise Risk Management, we understand the challenges of providing insight into your business’s greatest risks while simultaneously driving accountability for their management within your organization.

How Our Data Consolidation Works

  • Securely pull in data from internal sources, from third-party apps, or direct in-platform input.
  • Relate your data to specific workflows, reports, or people.
  • Review─in real-time─how inputs from global teams directly impact your work.
  • Build reports & dashboards with holistic data for better decision-making & improved workflows.
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Here’s Why Companies Choose Data Consolidation


“We’ve captured and leveraged insight into the risk profile of our institution. The data we collect now is reportable across domains, so we finally have the elusive ‘single pane of glass’.”

– Security Risk Analyst for the University of Minnesota

When you want to streamline data from your current apps into Onspring

See how integrations work with Onspring
Explore integrations

When you want to consolidate vendor onboarding, evaluations & contract renewals

See how vendor management software makes it easier
Explore vendor management

Is your current data management approach
one spreadsheet away from being unmanageable?

Scaling ERM Case Study with Onspring

Wondering how to calculate risk exposure without correlating one risk to another?

We’ve got a great example here–one that makes it easy to see how to automate the right way.