Get The Metrics That Matter

Create custom dashboards tailored to give each stakeholder unique views into relevant data or their assigned tasks.

How Our Custom Dashboards Work

  • Choose the data elements, like reports, status lists, key metrics or task assignments, that you want to display.
  • Arrange where and how each data element is displayed.
  • Set access rights to limit or add visibility for individual users.
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Here’s Why Companies Choose Custom Dashboards


“Custom dashboards remove distractions. You can see exactly what’s assigned at any point in time with visibility into the entire processes.”

– Vice President, Internal Audit for Schneider National

When you want a master view of enterprise-wide data

See analytics at work by management solution
Explore enterprise solutions

When you want to level up your business continuity planning with dashboards

See how dashboards improve BC/DR
View BC/DR dashboards

Building custom dashboards is super easy.
We’ll show you.

Process Automation Implementation Best Practices from Onspring

Wondering how to create the most useable dashboards?

We compiled the best planning tips & hacks for simplicity & clarity here–to make it easier to automate the right way.